Arkmodel Ship And Submarine Models In China Nautical Model Championship

From September 8th to 11th, 2022, the China Nautical Model Championship was held in Lishui City, Zhejiang Province. More than 300 athletes from 25 teams in 18 provinces and cities across the country participated in the competition of more than 30 projects of durable power boats, simulation and simulated sailing. The competition was splendid and climaxing one after another. After 5 days of intense competition, more than 100 medals in 33 projects were decided. This is the highest standard sailing model competition in China, and it is also a grand carnival for all sailing model athletes and enthusiasts. The athletes competed intensely, learned skills, and exchanged experiences. We spent this unforgettable week together. We Arkmodel helped the Shanghai team, the Guangdong team and the Zhejiang team to win a gold medal, a silver medal and two bronze medals. Congratulations to all the athletes!

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